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 Con-Aid Brochure
 Material Safety Data Sheet
 Application Guidelines
 Workability of CON-AID
 Design Consideration
 CON-AID under Wet Conditions
 Project Articles

 By P. F. Savage
 By T. Abadjieva
 By Greening and Page Green
 CON-AID in Uganda
 Haul Roads in RSA
 Causeway Jefrey Bay Project
 Johannesburg Athletic Stadium
 Military Airstrip in Afghanistan

 Project Database

CON-AID, a cost effective and practical soil stabilization product, was developed by a team of professional specialists, including chemists and road engineers.

CON-AID ASIA CO LTD was established in the early 1990s for the purpose of introducing and providing the product to the Asia region.

CON-AID ASIA, Sole Distributor of the product in Asia, is based in Bangkok, Thailand. Through years of intensive efforts and in cooperation with associates in the governmental agencies and private sectors.

CON-AID ASIA, has bee able to achieve success in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

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